SPRK Vapors

Device Authenticity Counterfeit Goods

We have included an “anti-counterfeit” label on every SPRK product package that deems the product verified authentic. If there is no anti-counterfeit authenticity label on our packaging, do not assume this is an authentic SPRK product.

Unfortunately there are lower quality non-recycled counterfeit products on the market that claim they are authentic SPRK products but are not. This anti-counterfeit label was designed to give you, the customer, peace of mind that every SPRK product you purchase is authentic and of superior quality.

Every report we receive on counterfeit goods is follow up legally and criminals are prosecuted quickly and to the full extent of the law in each country. We take your safety seriously.

Our goal is to educate our customers on the steps we have ta to ensure their safety and that the quality and integrity of our product is upheld.

Anti-Counterfeit Package Labeling

Our Customers Safety

Identifying Counterfeit Products

Taking Legal Action Against Criminals





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